Adding quest generated recalls to GoArrow ..

Recalls are added to Setting.xml file included in the GoArrow Folder (C:\Program Files\Decal Plugins\GoArrow) OR (C:\Games\Decal Plugins\GoArrow)
These allow the best possible routing based on the recalls you have.

Under the section marked ..


Add in by copy/pasting the line(s) that pertain to your toons as appropriate:

<startLocation name="Call of the Mhoire Forge" type="Regular" icon="060066B5" runDistance="0.4" coords="65.4S, 44.0W" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Facility Hub Recall Orb" type="Regular" icon="06001532" runDistance="0.4" coords="100.7S, 8.6E" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Gear Knight Invasion Area Camp Recall" type="Regular" icon="06006AD5" runDistance="0.4" coords="12.3S, 74.9W" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Lost City of Neftet Recall" type="Regular" icon="06006FF3" runDistance="0.4" coords="22.2S, 6.2E" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Paradox-touched Olthoi Infested Area Recall" type="Regular" icon="060066D5" runDistance="0.4" coords="43.8N, 54.9E" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall Orb" type="Regular" icon="06001532" runDistance="0.4" coords="69.7N, 62.3W" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

<startLocation name="Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Recall Orb" type="Regular" icon="06001532" runDistance="0.4" coords="59.9S, 87.2W" enabled="True" savesPer="All" />

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This web page was last updated on October 20 2011 at 0920 mst.